< PreviousNIGHT DRESS – PB 1396P MAUVE DIGNITY – PB 2983P MERCHANT’S VENICE – N 3273D FIND FREEDOM / COLOUR STORY THREE All colours shown in this book are as close to the actual Nippon Paint colours as modern printing techniques permit. NIPPON PAINT — TREND BEYOND COLOURS — 2024-25SOFT EXPRESSION For a quieter mood, take muted green Merchant’s Venice – N 3273D, delicate Mauve Dignity – PB 2983P and a dash of warm lilac Night Dress – PB 1396P. These soft purples harmonise beautifully with the gentle yellow-green. So, whether you’re creating a space for grown-ups or a fun mural for the kids, you’ll have a perfect result every time. A perfect harmony for any room! FIND FREEDOM — 39 — COLOUR STORY : SOFT EXPRESSIONFIND FREEDOM / FOCUS : EDUCATION FREEDOM TO LEARN A colour palette for an educational setting should be able to spark creativity, foster engagement as well as calm and reassure. The softer pastel tints create relaxing environments, while the vibrant hues are ideal for zoning and wayfinding. Creating an ideal, immersive learning environment. NIPPON PAINT — TREND BEYOND COLOURS — 2024-25FIND FREEDOM — 41 — FOCUS : EDUCATIONHEALING WATERS FIND A PLACE FOR RENEWAL FIND RENEWAL / INFLUENCE NIPPON PAINT — TREND BEYOND COLOURS — 2024-25The search for wellness in 2024-25 goes beyond green and into the blue. Our fascination for water is enduring, and the benefits of ‘blue spaces’ for wellbeing are increasingly validated by scientific research. These influences come together to signal a resurgence of interest in the healing qualities of environments that evoke the seas and shores. INFLUENCE — 43 — HEALING WATERSFind RENEWAL Wall PENINSULAR– N 3296D NIPPON PAINT — TREND BEYOND COLOURS — 2024-25Dive In... Immerse yourself in a world designed for renewal. The exquisite colour palette is inspired by the life-giving, restorative properties of nature’s blue spaces and the shores that surround them. Experience the transformative power of the ocean, the serenity of a tranquil lake, and the soothing sound of a babbling brook, all within your own home. Be inspired by blue spaces and surrounding shores. Wall KNITTED FLEECE– N 3387P Wall BLUE BUTTON– PB 1560T, Headboard PENINSULAR– N 3296D FIND RENEWAL — 45 — OVERVIEWVIBRANT / AQUATIC / REJUVENATING / FRESH / REVIVING FIND RENEWAL / KEY COLOUR All colours shown in this book are as close to the actual Nippon Paint colours as modern printing techniques permit. KEY COLOUR : TURQUOISE REFLECTION – BGG 2742P Evoking bright sunlight on a crystal- clear tropical ocean, shimmering Turquoise Reflection – BGG 2742P sweeps us away to a place of complete renewal. Imagine how this vibrant, refreshing hue could transform the mood in different areas of your home. Fresh and glowing, it ignites a sense of adventure, reminding us of idyllic vacations and precious moments where we felt revived. Embrace the adventure and let yourself be carried away. NIPPON PAINT — TREND BEYOND COLOURS — 2024-25 TURQUOISE REFLECTION BGG 2742P FIND RENEWAL — 47 — KEY COLOURNext >